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上海诺美学校体育特色课程 | 录取率是普通学生千倍,体育特色课程助力升学弯道超车

  • 日期:2021-10-29 19:20:02
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体育特色课程 | 录取率是普通学生千倍,体育特色课程助力升学弯道超车

上海诺美学校为计划未来出国留学的学生提供了丰富的课程,为高中预备年级学生提供美国中学+IGCSE高中预备衔接课程;在高中阶段学生可自由选择美高+AP或者英国A- LEVEL课程。在此基础上,上海诺美学校特别开设艺术、音乐、体育特色课程,助力学生升入全球范围顶级院校。



Shanghai North America International School offers a wide range of courses for students planning to study abroad in the future. At the high school level students are free to choose American high school courses (following Common Core State Standards) + AP or British A-level courses. On this basis, Shanghai North America International School offers customized courses for students and targeted music/art/athletics pathways to top universities.

According to recent data from the world's top universities, student-athletes are accepted 1,000 times more often than average students at the same academic level. In the United States, for example, more than 100,000 high school students pass through this channel each year to get into American universities, and the Ivy League and most elite colleges reserve about 20 percent of their admissions for athletes. At Harvard, for example, athletes topped the admissions list with a 6.33 bonus.





At present, NAIS offers nearly 20 sports for students to choose from, including golf, fencing, tennis, rugby, football, basketball, badminton, volleyball, table tennis, cheerleading, fitness, taekwondo, track and field, swimming and others.

With the implementation of our Campus 3.0 Program, as well as the upgrading of more indoor and outdoor teaching venues, facilities and equipment, the school keep will continue adding more sports programs according to students' specific course selection needs every year.







Shanghai North America International School hosts all kinds of sports activities every week, and students’ effort on the field and court is unforgettable.

We are committed to providing students of all age groups with more opportunities to participate in league games and tournaments, constantly improve their sports skills, accumulate practical experience, and achieve excellent results in the future international top competitions.

At present, students of Shanghai North America International School participate in various sporting events in major national sports leagues on a weekly basis:



NAIS provides a variety of physical education courses to student athletes in order to help them enter the world's top universities. In addition, we also provide: evaluations of potential for complete beginners, professional sports assessments, access to top international competition, complete files on students’ physical condition, meetings with top college admissions officers,sports fairs and a series of other high quality resources at home and abroad, all with the goal of using personalized teaching and planning to get students into their dream schools.

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